You and your soon-to-be-ex have struggled to work out a custody agreement for your kids that will give you both the time with them and involvement in their lives that you want. However, you can't find common ground. There's too much animosity between you. You have no...
Month: June 2018
Should my support order change if my finances changed?
As a person who walked through the divorce process, you understand that the end of your marriage can bring significant changes in your life. Simply because the process is final does not mean these changes will also stop. In fact, some Florida readers may find that...
Establishing paternity of your child
You and your boyfriend had a child, but are no longer together. You likely want him to pitch in with child support to help you raise that child. However, what if he never legally established paternity? When Florida couples have children outside of marriage, there are...
The advantages of finding a ‘halfway point’ for custody exchanges
One of the important aspects of co-parenting that divorced parents have to work out is how they will "exchange" their kids when they go from one parent's home to another. If the parents still live near each other, they will often drop off and pick up from their homes...
Why Father’s Day may need to be part of your parenting plan
Mother's Day and Father's Day can be a challenge for newly-divorced parents. Many couples don't bother to include them in their parenting plans along with Christmas, Thanksgiving and other major holidays. However, if there aren't stipulations in place for these days,...
Not happy with your child custody order?
You and your ex share children. You've been abiding by the child custody agreement worked out as part of your divorce or separation agreement, but it just is not working as well as you would like it to or you have concerns you'd like addressed. What can you do? The...
The financial ‘silver linings’ of divorce
Most divorcing people are prepared for the break-up to have a negative effect on them financially, at least in the short term. After all, it's less expensive to live with someone and share expenses like the mortgage than to live separately. However, there are some...