The threat of domestic violence of any kind is stressful and emotionally challenging for every member of your family. If you are dealing with this issue and want to take steps to protect yourself against this threat, there are legal options available to you. Domestic...
Bird nesting: Is it the best co-parenting option for you?
When you told your children you were getting divorced, you likely encountered various reactions. Maybe one of your kids stomped off to his or her room, and then approached you in the middle of the night, wanting to know more about the situation. Another child may have...
Relocating after a divorce
After your divorce was finalized, you may have expected your life to settle into some new normal routine. Maybe you even longed for some familiarity amid the strangeness of being single again, finding a new home and adjusting to child custody schedules. If you still...
Begin your divorce process by focusing on these financial basics
Like many divorcing individuals, the dissolution of your marriage probably has you feeling at least a bit overwhelmed. With so much on your mind, you may not be sure where to start. The thing is, a lot of the issues you decide now, during the divorce proceedings, can...
Don’t panic! Your kids’ reaction to your divorce is normal
Whether you're simply contemplating ending your marriage or are in the midst of a divorce, one issue that's likely forefront in your mind is how it may affect your children. No matter how certain you are that a divorce is what's best for both you and your family, no...
What can I include in my prenuptial agreement?
You may understand the benefit and positive aspects to drafting a prenuptial agreement, but you may not understand how this can benefit you specifically. These legal agreements are not only for wealthy Florida couples and those with valuable assets, they can also...
3 concerns you may have as you face divorce
Whenever you enter a new chapter in your life, you likely have questions about what this new phase may entail. When it comes to many life events, you may know someone who has faced the situation before and could provide friendly advice. However, you may face some...
Choosing mediation could be a beneficial choice for eveyone
No matter how amicable two parties may be, every divorce can present challenges. There are many complex issues that you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse will have to address, and sometimes, it is not necessary to resort to a court battle to reach a final solution. For...
Benefits of preparing for child custody negotiations
If you and your spouse are considering divorce, you may have put a great deal of thought into the concept, especially if you have children together. The end of a marriage is often tough on kids, and you might want to protect them throughout this period, but the...
Divorce can negatively impact your small business
Are you one of the many small business owners in Florida? Are you getting married or are you already married? Have you taken any precautions to protect your small business from the negative impacts of a potential divorce? Owning your own company is quite an...