Many people — particularly men — cringe at the thought of journaling. They think it sounds like something Oprah would tell them to do if they really want to live their best life. However, keeping a journal can help people express and process the myriad...
Month: July 2018
Do you need a certified divorce financial analyst on your team?
If there are considerable assets at stake in your divorce, friends, colleagues or maybe even your attorney may have recommended hiring a certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA). CDFAs are advisors who help people make the best possible financial decisions...
Dividing your frequent flyer miles in divorce
Even relatively amicable divorces where there are significant marital assets to be divided can be complicated. As you and your spouse work out who gets what properties, stocks, artwork, jewelry, antiques and good old-fashioned cash, don't neglect what could be a very...
Vocabulary for healthy co-parenting
Co-parenting can be difficult even for divorced spouses who get along. If you and your co-parent still have a strained or even hostile relationship, it may feel impossible at times. Sometimes, something as simple as the words you use can help improve your relationship...