As the definition of a modern family continues to evolve, new laws and accommodations are needed to provide for children's well-being. A recent child custody ruling out of New York has the potential to shift the definition of "parent" for children in Florida and other...
Month: March 2017
What are my rights to property division in my Florida divorce?
Do you know your rights when it comes to dividing up your marital property in Florida? Too many people suffer through the property division process - and end up without the financial resources they need to remain solvent in the future - because they are not fully...
If you draft a prenuptial agreement, are you planning to divorce?
Planning to get married involves a lot of preparation. While you are thinking about everything from flowers to color schemes, it can be beneficial to make the effort to ensure the full and complete protection of your financial interests. This can be done by drafting a...
Man faces additional charges after fleeing child support payments
Failing to pay your financial obligations in Florida can have serious consequences - especially if you are considered delinquent in your court-related payments. One man found this out first-hand as he was fleeing child support enforcement. After he ran from officers...
Secrets to success for your gray high asset divorce in Florida
If you are a married person over the age of 65 in Florida, you may have a higher chance of divorcing than you imagine. In today's economic climate - and with Floridians living longer than ever - many couples are splitting in their twilight years, spawning a high asset...
Standard of living’s influence on Florida alimony payments
Are you looking to maintain the same standard of living in the aftermath of your divorce? Many legal experts say that is just a pipe dream - no matter the amount of alimony, married couples still enjoy financial advantages that make it difficult to replicate standards...
Making sense out of dollars: where money goes after a divorce
While the dream of many Florida men and women may be to marry and live happily ever after, things don't always work out that way for one reason or another. Husbands and wives whose dreams of marriage have turned into the reality of divorce may have questions about...
Another legislative session, another debate about Florida alimony
In yet another chapter of Florida's ongoing spousal support debate, a state representative has filed a bill with the intent to change spousal maintenance requirements. Florida's state statutes for alimony distribution have been under fire for several years, though...