As you likely already know, alimony payments will not last forever. Alimony is considered rehabilitative for one of the spouses from a marriage that has ended in divorce. The payments will only last until the recipient obtains a job or earns a degree or learns a new skill. Today, we will examine the times when you can request a change in alimony payments.
If inflation has reduced the value of your alimony payments, it’s time to request an increase from your former spouse. You can also request an increase in what you receive if your former spouse has seen a substantial increase in their income due to a promotion, bonus or inheritance.
If you suffer a disability or become paralyzed, you can request an increase in alimony you receive. Why? You will likely have larger medical bills, and might even have to renovate your home to make it handicap accessible. The increase can help pay for these expenses.
Have you been dealing with an unexpected emergency? For example, did the roof on your home fail? Or, was your car stolen? These emergencies can cost tens of thousands of dollars to rectify. You can request a temporary increase in alimony until the issue is resolved.
If there has been a change in the law regarding alimony payments, you might be able to request an increase. Be sure to examine what the change says and how it affects you as the recipient.
If you need to receive more money from your alimony payments, be sure to learn the ways in which you can receive an increase. If the reasons are valid, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t appeal for an increase in spousal support.