If you and your spouse are considering a mediated divorce, you’re not alone. Increasingly, couples are choosing mediation as a way to work out property division, child custody, support and alimony issues. Here in Florida, all divorcing couples must go through mediation before they take their divorce to court. However, many are able to settle all of their issues in mediation.
Mediation is generally less stressful, less time-consuming and less expensive than a litigated divorce. Couples with children often find that working together in mediation helps them begin the productive, cooperative partnership they’ll need as co-parents.
Of course, it’s essential for spouses to carefully consider whether a mediated divorce is appropriate for them. If there’s a significant power imbalance in the relationship or if there’s been any type of abuse (physical, emotional, verbal or substance), mediation isn’t ultimately the best solution. However, most couples just want to move on with their lives and, if they have kids, do what’s in their best interests. If they can work together to reach the necessary agreements, mediation is often the best option.
The mediation process is overseen by a mediator, who acts as a neutral third party and offers guidance as they draft their various agreements. However, the mediator doesn’t represent either spouse. Divorcing spouses can and often do hire their own attorneys to provide guidance and protect their interests as they go through mediation.
Whether you’re looking for a mediator or for a personal attorney to help you as you proceed through your mediated or litigated divorce, it’s important to understand the process before you begin. You can find valuable information here on our website.