The impending divorce of former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and his wife Judith will reach all the way here to Palm Beach. Mrs. Giuliani has filed for divorce from her husband of 15 years.
The couple began making news back home in New York before they got married 15 years ago. The two were reportedly already romantically involved when he announced in a press conference in 2000 that he and his second wife were divorcing. His remarks to the media were the first that the second Mrs. Giuliani, Donna Hanover, heard of the divorce. Hanover left her job as a local Miami anchorperson in the early 1980s to join Giuliani in New York.
The man once known as “America’s Mayor” and his wife Judith have two condos in Palm Beach that have a combined value of approximately $4 million. One property, which they bought in 2004, is valued at about $600,000. It’s located in Palm Beach Towers. The other, which they purchased in 2010, is currently valued at about $3.3 million. It is in the Southlake area.
The Giulianis have become a fixture around Palm Beach at high-profile social events, fundraisers and local restaurants over the years. Now, as Rudy Giuliani told a New York paper, “We will have to divide our properties.”
It hasn’t been reported whether the couple documented in a postnuptial agreement how they would divide these properties, as well as property they own in New York. Mrs. Guiliani, however, filed for a contested divorce. That indicates that there could be some dispute over these properties or other issues. The 73-year-old former mayor and his 63-year-old wife had no children together, but both have grown children from prior marriages.
Sometimes properties can be the most difficult things for couples to divide in a divorce. They may have highly-sentimental value as homes, be near to their friends and social activities and also be worth a considerable amount of money. They also have to agree on the current value of the properties.
Spouses may need to give up other assets to each other to get the properties they most want to keep in the divorce. Experienced Florida family law attorneys work to get their client the best possible settlement so that they can continue to live comfortably as they move forward after divorce
Source: Miami Herald, “South Florida condos worth $4 million may be up for grabs in Giuliani divorce,” Jose Lambiet, April 05, 2018